Department of Public Safety
Gary Christmann Receives Coast Guard Certificate of Merit
CEMA Commissioner recognized for his support to the U.S. Coast Guard
This article is 11 years old. It was published on July 1, 2014.
Last month the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard took great pleasure in presenting the Coast Guard Certificate of Merit to Department of Public Safety - City Emergency Management Agency Commissioner Gary A. Christmann for his support to the U.S. Coast Guard, St. Louis Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC) from 2007-2014. During this period, Commissioner Christmann served as chair of the St. Louis Area Maritime Security Committee. As an original AMSC member, his steadfast leadership and astute knowledge of regional response protocols ensured the development of the first-ever Area Maritime Security Plan (AMSP) and immeasurably enhanced the ability of the region's first response community to mount a unified response to the most challenging incidents threatening public safety or security. He championed public and private coordination with both local and regional partners to conduct highly detailed port security risk assessments on 120 Maritime Security Risk Assessment Model (MSRAM) targets capturing more than 422 maritime attack scenarios, providing a holistic view of the region's top maritime risks.
Commissioner Christmann's vast knowledge of critical resources and regional response assets within the port-wide region led to development of St. Louis Risk Mitigation and Management Plan (RMMP), capturing the first assessment of more than 120 high-risk maritime critical assets covering more than 100 miles of navigable waterways in seven counties and two states. Commissioner Christmann's methodical and detailed analysis of risks to critical infrastructure ensured 79 maritime response assets totaling more than $10.5 million were acquired to address maritime vulnerabilities and enhance maritime response and recovery operations in support of existing regional response plans. Commissioner Christmann's actions are most heartily commended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of public service.
Department of Public Safety
City of St. Louis
Department of Public Safety