Farewell to Tim and Kay

All the best in your retirement!

November 1, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on November 1, 2014.

Gregory FX Daly 2014
Photo by Jean Schuh Title: 2014 official photo for Gregory F.X. Daly, Collector of Revenue
Source: Jean Schuh

Two of our valued employees retired from the Collector of Revenue Office, Kay Moriarty and Tim Murphy.  Kay and Tim were both given a retirement party to wish them farewell.  Kay and Tim were each presented with a photo album that included photos of all their coworkers along with their farewell comments and an engraved Gateway Arch.

 Kay Moriarity and Gregg Daly

Kay retired in mid September and worked in the Earnings Tax Refund Department.  Kay was employed with the Collector's Office since 1998.  Thank you for your 16 years of dedicated service to the Office of the Collector of Revenue and to the City of St. Louis.  Happy retirement Kay!

 Tim Murphy and Gregg Daly

Tim Murphy retired at the end of September and worked in the Earning Tax Compliance Department.  Tim was employed with the Collector's Office since 2007.  Thank you for your seven years of dedicated service to the Office of the Collector of Revenue and to the City of St. Louis.  Happy retirement Tim!


Gregory F. X. Daly

Collector of Revenue

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