Board of Election Commissioners

Election Fairs

Make your voice count!

May 1, 2012 | 2 min reading time

This article is 12 years old. It was published on May 1, 2012.

The first ever Election Fairs held by the St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners were complete successes.

The Board of Election Commissioners hosted the fairs at the St. Louis City Hall Rotunda and Harris-Stowe State University to educate and raise awareness of the importance of voting and the voting process.

Hon. Joan Burger and Mary Wheeler Jones at City Hall Election Fair

Pictured above: Hon. Joan M. Burger, Chairperson, St. Louis Board of Election Commissioners and Mary Wheeler-Jones, Director of Elections at the Election Fair held in the Rotunda at City Hall on April 17, 2012.

Those who stopped by one of the Election Fairs were able to register to vote, learn how to become a poll worker, obtain instruction in the use of electronic voting equipment and more.

If you were not able to attend one of the Fairs, you may find information on the web site at or call (314) 622-4336.


Board of Election Commissioners

City of St. Louis

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