Department of Health

Earth Day 2015

Mark your calendar for Sunday, April 26.

April 7, 2015 | 2 min reading time

This article is 10 years old. It was published on April 7, 2015.

Earth Day tree
Photo by Lori Jones Title: Earth Day tree
Source: Lori Jones

Earth Day is coming!  Earth Day is April 22nd.  This year marks the 45th year since its creation in 1970.  Each year, this observance provides us an opportunity to learn more about the many ways we can be better stewards of the Earth's natural resources and protect our environment.

Earth Day will be celebrated in the City of St. Louis on April 26th on the Muny grounds in Forest Park from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  During that time, many city agencies will join together to provide a wide range of information, resources and strategies related to protecting the environment.  There will also be a lot of fun, family-friendly activities.  This event will happen rain or shine, so plan to be there.

The Department of Health (DOH) will be taking part in this observation.  DOH staff members will promote healthy and active lifestyles with a variety of activities, giveaways, and information.  They will also advise residents on how to incorporate recycling, reducing, and reusing into their everyday activities.

There are so many ways that a single person can positively impact the environment.  Something as simple as using your own water bottle every day instead of buying bottled water will help to reduce how much plastic ends up in a landfill  .Composting biodegradable food waste and using it to fertilize gardens can put nutrients back into the earth instead of filling up landfills.  Cycling or walking to work instead of driving can reduce air pollution and the use of fossil fuels.  Take advantage of this opportunity to find out all the ways you can make a positive impact.

Come on out and join us as we celebrate Mother Earth!  For more information, please contact: Shontae Fluelen-Hays at 314/657-1436.

Department of Health
City of St. Louis

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