Department of Health
Department of Health Presents Public Health Messages to Statewide Audience
Health Department staff presented posters at Missouri Public Health Association conference.
This article is 10 years old. It was published on October 6, 2015.
Department of Health Presents Public Health Messages to Statewide Audience
This year, the City of St. Louis Department of Health was honored to have two representatives from its Health Promotion, Education and Marketing Division Nutrition Services' staff present posters at the annual Missouri Public Health Association (MOPHA) meeting on September 23, in Columbia, Missouri. This conference provided an excellent opportunity for practitioners to get the most up-to-date information about public health practices, network with other public health professionals from across the state, and check out exciting research endeavors that have been completed by students and other health agencies. Most attendees either worked at health departments or universities, or were university students in programs related to public health.
dietitian Lori Jones presented a poster highlighting an endeavor near and dear
to our hearts, the JUMP N2 Shape initiative. Poster session attendees had the opportunity
to learn about how the City of
dietitian Lauren Landfried presented a poster as well. Her poster focused on her doctoral research,
which looks at the levels of antibiotic residues found in goat meat. This research was conducted in collaboration
with the
Department of Health