
Dealing with Employees' Personal Problems

Reprinted item from the BJC EAP blog

May 1, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 7 years old. It was published on May 1, 2018.

Q. How many times should I recommend BJC EAP to my employee for an ongoing saga of fights and domestic troubles at home that we hear about? The employee has never followed my recommendation. Should I refer the employee somewhere else?

A. You should continue to recommend BJC EAP to your employee whenever information about a personal problem or serious concern is shared. They will conduct a proper assessment and refer your employee to any specialized source of help. Any other type of recommendation to a source of counseling help, unless in an emergency, would generally be improper. Although your employee has not visited BJC EAP yet, there is a strong possibility it will happen. Why? The problems being experienced by your employee appear to be chronic. This means he or she will likely experience periodic crises that will get worse over time. These crises are opportunities for your employee to choose a healthier path by accepting help from BJC EAP. So continue to recommend it.


For more information about the BJC Employee Assistance Program, call (314) 747-7490.

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