Office of the Collector of Revenue
Celebrating Pride 2014
Collector of Revenue employees celebrate PrideFest 2014
July 1, 2014
2 min
reading time
This article is 11 years old. It was published on July 1, 2014.
In honor of Pridefest St. Louis, the Earnings Tax Department in the Collector of Revenue Office celebrated by becoming a human rainbow.
Pictured are:
Red: Robin Singler
Orange: Jackie Whittier, Valerie Gamache, Cynthia Cygan
Yellow: Lindsey Taylor
Tie Dye: Christopher Ellison
Green: Alexa Speropolous
Indigo: Kay'la Jackson, Kathi Snyder
Violet: Cheryl Jones
Collector of Revenue Office
City of St. Louis
Office of the Collector of Revenue
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