Authors at Your Library - November 2014

Terri Barnes, Gareth Hinds, Julius Hunter and Trudy Lewis are scheduled to discuss and sign their latest books.

November 1, 2014 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on November 1, 2014.



The St. Louis Public Library is proud to present a host of engaging authors as part of the November installment of its popular Authors @ Your Library series including Terri BarnesGareth HindsJulius Hunter, and Trudy Lewis.  All events are FREE and open to the public  .Seating is first-come, first-served.


* St. Louis author Trudy Lewis discusses and signs her novel, Empire Rolls.  The event takes place at the Central Library, 1301 Olive St.,on November 4 at 7 p.m.

University of Missouri-Columbia professor Lewis brings us the unforgettable protagonist Sally LaChance, park ranger by day and roller derby emcee by night. The novel captures the changing cultural landscape of the Midwest on the brink of the 2008 recession.

PLUS—Arch Rival Roller Girls give a glimpse inside roller derby culture.

Books available for purchase courtesy of Left Bank Books.

* Veteran broadcaster and author Julius Hunter discusses and signs his new book, Priscilla & Babe: From Slavery's Shackles to Millionaire Bordello Madams in Victorian St. Louis. The event takes place at the Schlafly Branch, 225 N. Euclid Ave., on November 5 at 7 p.m.

This true story features Priscilla Henry, fresh from an Alabama cotton plantation, and Sarah "Babe" Connor, who walked free from a Tennessee plantation where her slave master was also her father. Together, they became millionaire madams, notorious across America.

Books available for purchase courtesy of Bluebird Publishing.

* Gareth Hinds, the Fall 2014 Read It Forward author, discusses and signs his graphic adaptations of literary classics Romeo & Juliet and Beowulf.  The event takes place at the Central Library, 1301 Olive St., on November 6 at 7 p.m.

Teens can get a FREE copy of either Romeo & Juliet or Beowulf (while supplies last), and enter a raffle for prizes. (Must be present to win).

Young adults are encouraged to Read It Forward by passing either book along to a friend. E-mail readitforward@slpl.orgvisit Facebook, or call 314.539.0332 for more information.

Support provided by St. Louis Public Library Foundation.

Books available for purchase courtesy of Left Bank Books.


* Terri Barnes discusses and signs her book Spouse Calls: Messages From a Military Life. The event takes place at the Central Library, 1301 Olive St., on November 13 at 7 p.m.

From her kitchen table to Capitol Hill, Barnes takes readers beyond the headlines and homecoming videos for an inside look at the day-to-day hardships, victories, and ways that military life shapes, challenges, and enriches its families.

Barnes is the creator of "Spouse Calls," a weekly Stars and Stripe scolumn about military life, in print and online since 2007.  She has contributed to several other books about military life. Her work has appeared in Air Force/Army/Navy TimesThe Huffington PostBooks Make a Difference, and other newspapers, magazines, and base publications worldwide.

Books available for purchase courtesy of Left Bank Books.

For more information, call 314-880-8759.

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