2019 City Hall Selfie Day
On Aug. 15 take a picture of yourself in front of your local government building and post it to social media with the hashtag #CityHallSelfie
This article is 6 years old. It was published on August 6, 2019.
#CityHallSelfie Day is all about local government pride. It doesn't matter if you work for a town, county or special district, just snap a photo of yourself in front of your building and use the hashtag #CityHallSelfie to share it with the world!
#CityHallSelfie Day is managed by ELGL, the Engaging Local Government Leaders network, a professional association of 4,800 people who work for and with local government.
#CityHallSelfies are traditionally taken in front of city halls, but ELGL will also accept submissions using the hashtag in front of town halls, county buildings, libraries, police stations, and any other local government building that participants are proud of and want to showcase.
Each year, award winners in several categories are celebrated. Categories include:
- Members Choice Award: #CityHallSelfie Excellence
- Most Creative #CityHallSelfie
- Best Dressed #CityHallSelfie
- Best Hat in a #CityHallSelfie
- Best #CityHallSelfie Photography
- Most People in the #CityHallSelfie
- Best Use of #CityHallSelfie Props
- #CityHallSelfie With the Most Famous Person
- Funniest #CityHallSelfie
- Most Historic #CityHallSelfie
- Best #CityHallSelfie by a Newspaper/TV Reporter
Local government work can be challenging and so it's important to find the joy and happiness in the work and to showcase the importance and value of a public service career.
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