2018 National Bike Month
with the highlight of National Bike to Work Day celebrated on Friday, May 19
This article is 7 years old. It was published on May 1, 2018.
The League of American Bicyclists established the month of May as National Bike Month in 1956. Today, National Bike Month is celebrated across the United States and Canada and is a perfect way to enjoy the many benefits of bicycling.
The highlight of Bike Month is National Bike to Work Day, which will be observed on Friday, May 19. Trailnet staff and volunteers will count all the riders that day. Riders are invited to stop by a Trailnet refueling station, be counted and help St. Louis top 500 again this year.
Refueling stations will be open from 6:30 - 9 a.m. and will provide free coffee and baked goods to all cyclists. The Trailnet-sponosred stations include the Missouri History Museum, Kaldi's on DeMun, Kaldi's on Vandeventer and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Area businesses will be offering refueling stops as well. Visit the website for all the refueling station locations.
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