20 New Year Resolutions for 2020
The new year usually signals a fresh start so here are a few ideas to add to your normal routine.
This article is 5 years old. It was published on January 1, 2020.
Here's to a new you in the new year.
1. Drink more water. Water helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout your body and helps your organs flush out waste materials, according to the experts at the Mayo Clinic.
2. Be proactive about preventative care. A primary-care wellness visit can help you stay healthy.
3. Try to sit less. Studies show that moving for just ten minutes a day can reduce health risks. Stand up and stretch every hour, and try to go for a quick walk -- even if that's just a few laps around your office -- daily.
4. Stop being late. Good, reliable professionals are not late for anything, and nothing signals to others that someone is disorganized and unprofessional than consistently being late. Force yourself to manage your time, to schedule enough time to get ready, get organized and arrive early.
5. Read more. Take it upon yourself to stay up to speed on news in your industry. Reading is good for your brain, it can reduce stress, and it can improve your memory and concentration.
6. Give one compliment a day.
7. Do random acts of kindness. Acts of kindness and generosity make the world a better place.
8. Clear out the clutter. Make 2020 the year of organization and cleanliness.
9. Keep a journal. According to researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling can help battle anxiety, stress, and depression.
10. Stay in touch with people. Even a quick call, text, or email can make a world of difference.
11. Let go of grudges. Leave hate behind in the old year.
12. Start a new hobby. One way to help distinguish yourself is to keep up with the latest skills and technology of your field. Make sure you are building on useful skills and hobbies.
13, Buy less plastic. Be more aware of what you're buying.
14. Donate clothes you never wear. If you haven't worn it in a year, give someone else the chance to do so.
15. Wear sunscreen. Make SPF your new best friend.
16. Do something that challenges you. In 2020, practice a little bravery.
17. Stay on top of your inbox. Stay on top of the unread messages in your inbox and clear them out throughout the week.
18. Craft something yourself. The satisfaction you get from making something with your own hands is undeniable.
19. Pay it forward. The new year is a great time to do something nice for another.
20. Whatever your goals are, write them down. People who write down their goals are 42 percent more likely to achieve them. Whatever you want to accomplish in 2020, commit it to paper.
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