St. Louis Mardi Gras

St. Louis Mardi Gras is the second largest Mardi Gras Event in the US.

February 7, 2018 | 2 min reading time

This article is 6 years old. It was published on February 7, 2018.

The St. Louis Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday in French) was revived in the early 1980s and over the years has grown in size and scale, to become the second largest Mardi gras Event in the US. New Orleans being the largest.

On the second Saturday before Mardi Gras, there is a family-oriented "Krewe of Barkus" pet parade. Participants consist of anyone who dresses up their pet in costume, and walks their pet along the parade route. The pet parade is followed by the informal Wiener dog races.

Then, on the Saturday before Fat Tuesday, the more adult-oriented, costume and colored beads parade occurs, with a reserved family section at one section of the parade route.

People from all over the Region crowd the streets with bead necklaces after the Saturday parade. The streets of Soulard, Geyer, Allen, Russell, Ann, Shenandoah, and others are crowded with people from 7th to 12th Street normally until sundown.

Mardi Gras is more than fun. It is an asset for St. Louis and for the region. A 2017 article in Missouri Life states the economic impact of Mardi Gras at more than $21 million.

2018 Mardi Gras Events

Mayor's Mardi Gras Ball

Friday, February 9 
Time: 7:00 pm to Midnight 
The Rotunda in St. Louis City Hall
Admission: $150 and Up

The Mayor’s Ball, which ALIVE Magazine and the Riverfront Times have called the “social event of the season,” is a must-attend gala that combines the elegance of the setting with the striking visuals of Mardi Gras. It features fine cuisine, cocktails, dancing and entertainment ranging from traditional to spectacular. 

This charitable event is hosted by the Mardi Gras Foundation, and the proceeds go to create community grants that have shown demonstrable benefits to the Soulard and Downtown communities since 2003. Follow the link above for anything from general admission to reserving a table for an exclusive experience, or call Olivia at 314.771.5110. 

Bud Light Grand Parade

Saturday, February 10th
Parade Starts: 11:00 am 
Soulard Neighborhood

See the Parade Route Here

Free Event

This event is the crown jewel of the Soulard Mardi Gras season and is the biggest parade outside of the Big Easy. It begins at Busch Stadium and proceeds through the streets of Downtown South and Soulard to the place where your beer was born: Anheuser-Busch Brewery. 

See the full calendar of events

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