Union Pacific Steam Locomotive to Stop in St. Louis

Little Rock Express Wins Union Pacific Railroad's Great Excursion Adventure - You Route the Steam Contest

January 20, 2011 | 2 min reading time

This article is 13 years old. It was published on January 20, 2011.

Union Pacific Railroad announced this week that it will route one of its legendary steam locomotives from Kansas City, through St. Louis and on to Little Rock later this year. The excursion date will be determined within the coming weeks. More details will be posted on this website as they become available.

The first phase of the contest ran from Nov. 9 through Dec. 6, 2010 and determined the four finalist routes: Little Rock Express, Tuscola Turn, Baton Rouge Rambler and Boise Express. The final phase of the contest was held from Jan. 4-17. More than 178,000 votes were cast. The Little Rock Express won with 76,217 votes and Tuscola Turn came in a close second with 73,175 votes. 

Thanks to everyone who voted in the contest and helped bring this historic event to our great state and region!   



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