Section 106
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) requires that any Federal agency having jurisdiction over a proposed Federal or federally-assisted undertaking or the authority to licence any undertaking, must, prior to the approval of any expenditure of Federal funds, take into account the effect of the undertaking on any district, site, building, structure, or object that is included in or eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.
The Cultural Resources Offices performs Section 106 Reviews for federally funded projects administered by the Community Development Administration, St. Louis Development Corporation, and the Planning and Urban Design Agency. Projects include acquisition, rehabilitation, and demolition. Our office works closely with the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office on federally funded and permitted projects. The Section 106 process often involves the federal government. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation often comments on federally funded or permitted projects within the city of St. Louis. The three levels of government work together to ensure that federal projects do not adversely effect the historic resources of St. Louis.
In addition, the Cultural Resources Office reviews projects that go before the City's Facade committee which utilizes federal funding to help small businesses rehabilitate their buildings.
Section 106 Booklet
The Cultural Resources Office has published a booklet that explains Section 106 review in more detail and discusses guidelines and requirements for properties that are eligible or listed in the National Register.
For More Information:
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Section 106 Regulations
Missouri State Historic Preservation
Section 106 Information
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