Preservation News & Alerts

News items and alerts about pending preservation or demolition issues

Public Hearing for Proposed Compatible New Construction Standards

A Public Hearing on the Proposed Compatible New Construction Standards will be held during the April Preservation Board Meeting, April 25, 2016 at 5:00 PM. 

 First Annual Celebration of St. Louis City Landmarks

Maya Angelou BirthplaceJoin the Landmarks Association of St. Louis on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM to celebrate the inclusion of the New Age Federal Savings & Loan, Tillie's Corner and the Maya Angelou Birthplace to the City of St. Louis Landmarks list.

The event will be held at 911 Washington Avenue, Suite 170, St. Louis, MO 63101.
Meeting Flyer


CRO Completed Grant to Study Flounder Houses

Soulard Flounder House

The Flounder House Survey

The Cultural Resources Office has completed a Historic Preservation Fund Grant from the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office to survey and study the City's historic Flounder houses, as the first phase of an effort to promote their preservation and reuse. This rare property type, sometimes called a "half-house," is present in only a few eastern cities and St. Louis. Watch for the posting of the Survey report and other information in September 2015. At left is a beautifully restored Flounder house in Soulard.

New National Register Historic Districts and Individual Property Listings:

The following Individual Properties have been listed in 2014:
(current as of 11/18/14)
  • Hamiltonian Federal Savings & Loan Association Building (1/14/14)
    3150 S. Grand Boulevard, Ward 8
  • 5882 Cabanne Courtyard Apartment Building (6/27/14)
    5882 Cabanne Avenue, Ward 26
  • Downtown YMCA Building (6/27/14)
    1528 Locust Street, Ward 7
Listing in the National Register of Historic Places is an honorary designation, and allows property owners to apply for Historic Tax Credits for substantial rehabilitation of their property.


The Cultural Resources Office is trying to be greener!  If you don't need a printed copy of the Preservation Board agenda, download a PDF copy here.  Or Email us to be added to our email list.


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