Certified Local Historic Districts

Information about Certified Local Districts in St. Louis

Certified Local Historic Districts

Certified Local Historic Districts are locally-designated historic districts that have been determined by the Keeper of the National Register to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Any contributing building or structure within these districts receives the same benefits as if it were formally listed in the Register.  Benefits include protection from Federally-funded projects that can negatively affect the district and the ability to qualify for State or Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credits. 8 of City's 18 local historic districts in the City of St. Louis have been Certified.

The Certified Local Districts

Historic District Ordinances, Standards and District Maps:

As in all local districts, exterior work on a building located in a Certified Local District must be reviewed by the staff of the Cultural Resources Office for compliance with the district's rehabilitation and new construction standards.


For the most up-to-date map, please contact the Cultural Resources Office.

Cultural Resources Office


(314) 657-3865

1520 Market Street, Suite 2000
St. Louis, MO 63103

8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon-Fri

Contact the Cultural Resources Office

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