Special Tax District Information
Certain tax districts have been established which levy a special license fee in addition to the Graduated Business License
On This Page
Certain tax districts have been established which levy a special license fee in addition to the Graduated Business License.
If you are not sure if your business requires a Graduated Business License (GBL), please click the link "Business License Information", where you will find more information about licensing and a list of business types. Once you are there, click on the business type that describes the type of business you plan to do in the City of St. Louis.
If you still have questions about your business type, please contact our office at 314-622-4528 to find out the appropriate steps that you will need to follow to obtain a business license for the City of St. Louis.
Certain tax districts have been established which levy a special license fee in addition to the Graduated Business License. These funds are funneled back to the Business District for neighborhood improvements.
The areas that have this license tax are:
- Cherokee-Lemp
The cost of the tax is half of the Graduated Business License up to a limit that is determined by each law. Below are the address ranges of the Special Tax Districts:
The Cherokee-Lemp Special Tax Districts
The Cherokee-Lemp Special Tax addresses are as follows:
700-2299 Cherokee Street
3346-3410 Indiana Avenue
3346-3410 Illinois Avenue
3346-3410 Missouri Avenue
3346-3410 Wiscosin Avenue
3346-3410 Salena Street
3338-3548 Lemp Avenue
3338-3399 South 18th Street
3300-3399 DeMenil Place
3375-3599 South Broadway Street
Download the Cherokee-Lemp Special Tax District Application here.
The cost of the tax is half of the Graduated Business License up to a limit that is determined by each law.
What to Expect
Once all clearances and payments are received, you will be able to obtain your license to do business in the City of St. Louis.
Additional Information
If you pay by check, the license application may be held for several working days until the check clears.
A separate Graduated Business License is required for each business location or trade name.
St. Louis City Ordinance 52030
St. Louis City Revised Code Chapter 8.02.040
Please visit our general information page to get more important information that you will need to know before obtaining your business license. You can get there by clicking the link: "Business License Information".
For more information about the License Collector's Office other resources and services, please visit our office home page by clicking on the link "License Collector" below. Once you are there, you will find a list of links to the various other resources and services provided by our office. Those links can be found to the right of the home page under the section titled "Related information".
Link: License Collector
Office of the License Collector
(314) 622-4528
1200 Market Street,
City Hall Room 102-104
St. Louis, MO 63103
Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM
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