DRAFT - Costs Structure for Website Services Outside of Standard Protocol

DRAFT - Costs Structure for Website Services Outside of Standard Protocol

1.  Sites that do not use the CommonSpot Content Management

A standard yearly fee of $5000 applies to Organizational website that operate outside the standard website protocol.

An hourly fee of $54 is applied for maintenance tasks performed on a website that operates outside the standard website protocol.

Cost for custom application development is determined on a case-by-case basis.  Cost can be determined only after a comprehensive scope has been defined and approved by the requesting Organization appointing authority.

2.  Sites that use the CommonSpot Content Management but request changes to the default style

A standard one time fee of  $3500 for sites that require changes to the default style. 

An additional one time fee of $1250 for recreating content from a previous website up to 50 content pages.

With this option some style may not be possible to change.  Examples are:

  • those styles that are integral part of the CommonSpot software  
  • those styles that are required for the proper functioning of the base template created for the City of St. Louis Official site. 

An hourly fee of $54 applies to any style changes after the initial set-up.

Cost for custom application development is determined on a case-by-case basis.  Cost can be determined only after a comprehensive scope has been defined and approved by the requesting Organization appointing authority.


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