Website Information Architecture Plan Policy
Website Information Architecture Plan Policy for
This document describes the policy that governs the Official City of St. Louis website information architecture.
The City of St. Louis has several separate departments, agencies, and divisions, but since the majority of them publish materials to the City’s website, their materials are seen together and should adopt a consistent style for the taxonomy and associated tagged content. The Editorial Rules are intended to achieve the following goals:- to ensure consistent style
- to establish a procedure to follow when rules conflict
- to guide changes over time
The policy outlines:
- roles and responsibilities
- procedures to evaluate request for changes as new tools and circumstances emerge
- the Editorial Rules adopted to Govern the management of the website taxonomy.
Roles & Responsibilities
- The role of the information architecture plan is to provide a consistent framework for categorization and classification of content created by many contributing entities.
- The Information Technology Services Agency (ITSA) is responsible for the administration, and maintenance of the Information Architecture Plan.
- The Information Architecture Governance Team's role is to adopt and apply procedures to evaluate change requests to the most recently adopted Information Architecture Plan..
- Appointing Authorities, Department Directors, Office holders are responsible for submitting requests for changes to the Information Architecture Governance Team.
Modifying or Changing the Information Architecture Plan
All change requests to Information Architecture Classification System must be accompanied by a valid business justification, and are subject to review by the Information Architecture Governance Team. The sponsoring entity is responsible for submitting the request and justification to the website administrator. All requested changes will be reviewed during the next Information Architecture Governance Team scheduled meeting.
Procedure to Review and Evaluate Request
- Representative of web Development team is responsible for the agenda creation and includes proposed and/or requests for changes. Agenda is distributed to information Architecture Governance Team at the time of the meeting..
- The Information Architecture Governance Team will follow the procedure outlined in the most recently adopted Taxonomy Editorial Rules, the document that defines the procedure for evaluating changes to the Information Architecture Plan.
- Information Architecture Plan
- Taxonomy Editorial Rules
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