Continuum Members

The City of St. Louis Continuum of Care (CoC) for Ending Homelessness is a broad-based partnership to prevent people within the community from becoming homeless and to find ways to end homelessness in the St. Louis area. The CoC serves in an advisory capacity to the Division of Homeless Services of the Department of Human Services of the City of St. Louis.

CoC Members

Visit the  St. Louis City Continuum of Care (CoC) Member Page for the most up-to-date list of their member agencies.


Coc Membership

Membership in the St. Louis City CoC is open to any individual or organization – nonprofit, for profit, or governmental – that is committed to ending homelessness or assisting people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.  

  • Members will vote and discuss various CoC policies, procedures and services that will prevent and end homelessness in the City of St. Louis.
  • New members will receive voting privileges 6 months from the approval date of membership.
  • Each member organization shall be entitled to one vote.
  • Each individual member shall be entitled to one vote.
  • Annually each member organization and individual members shall renew their membership by submitting a renewal form to the membership committee by January 31.
  • Only active member organizations will have voting privileges.
  • Active membership is determined by the member's attendance at general and committee board meetings.
  • To be considered an active member, members must be in attendance at 50% of general meetings and 50% of at least one committee's meetings.
  • Each member must serve on at least one of the six committees. 

Become A CoC Member

Download and complete the Membership Application and return it by email or postal mail.

By Email 

Laura Toledo
Chairperson of the Membership Committee

By Postal Mail

St. Louis City CoC-Membership Application
Attn: Secretary
1520 Market Street, Room 4062
St. Louis, MO   63103

By mail submission will be forwarded to Laura Toledo.

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