Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution Cost Center in FY 2025

Expenditures by cost center Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution (139004) in the 2025 fiscal year


Total budget for FY 2025.
Total Expended
12% expended of total budget
Total amount expended in FY 2025.


All expenditures made by cost center Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution (139004) in the 2025 fiscal year.

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Totals by Account

Expenditures by account for cost center Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution (139004) in FY 2025
Account Title Budget Expended % Expended
510100 Salaries Regular Employees $287,612 $42,184 15%
512000 FICA $22,002 $3,118 14%
513800 Employee Retirement Plan $50,361 $6,608 13%
513810 Employee Retirement System Debt Contr $5,752 $755 13%
514700 Workers Compensation Admin $3,595 $472 13%
515000 Medical Insurance $27,405 $2,803 10%
515030 Life Insurance $1,122 $99 9%
515060 Long Term Disability $403 $13 3%
563000 Education and Training Services $71,000 $0 0%
565400 Travel Out of Town $0 $0 0%
565600 Membership Fees $2,050 $0 0%
566000 Professional Services $0 $0 0%
566500 Legal Services $0 $0 0%

Totals by Supplier

Expenditures by supplier for cost center Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution (139004) in FY 2025
Number Name Expended

Totals by Fund

Expenditures by fund for cost center Problem Properties and Nuisance Crime Prosecution (139004) in FY 2025
Fund Title Budget Expended % Expended
1116 Public Safety GBL $471,302 $56,051 12%

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