Education Opportunities

Links and information regarding various education opportunities for Fire and EMS personnel.

Higher learning and life enhancing information for firefighters and Department employees in St. Louis and the surrounding communities.  Here you can learn about the various tuition discounts, work credits and degree programs from educators in St. Louis and around the country.


The Public Service Challenge! Capella University wants to make a difference in your lives. Show how you're making a difference in a two minute video and compete for a $10,000 scholarship.


Higher learning and life enhancing information for firefighters and Department employees in St. Louis and surrounding communities.  Here you can learn about the various tuition discounts, work credits and degree programs from educators in St. Louis and around the country.

The Public Service Challenge! Capella University wants to make a difference in your lives. Show how you're making a difference in a two minute video and compete for a $10,000 scholarship.

American Military University (AMU) complete Fire Science Degree Programs Capella University 5% tuition discount Columbia Southern University (CSU) 10% tuition discount and FREE books Concordia University Low tuition and FREE Books
AMU Anthony Mangeri
Capella Tim Robideau
Concordia Deby Ellerbrook
CSU Todd Briggs


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