Bulk Refuse Pickup Schedule Map

The map outlines bulk pickup regions and schedule.

Thumbnail of map

Publication Date: 07/07/2021
Document Type: Maps and GIS
Sponsor: Refuse Division

The map outlines bulk pickup regions and schedule.

Region 1 = 1st Monday bulk-pickup
Region 2 = 2nd Monday bulk-pickup
Region 3 = 3rd Monday bulk-pickup
Region 4 = 4th Monday bulk-pickup

If you can't identify your region on this map, please use the City's Address and Property Lookup at https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/data/address-search/index.cfm

For information on how to Prepare for Bulk and B.O.A.T (Batteries-Oil-Appliances-Tires) Item Pick-up and Disposal, please see the refuse website here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/street/refuse/resident-collection/bulky-boat-items.cfm

To see the trash pick up holiday schedule, please see the refuse division website here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/street/refuse/documents/trash-pick-up-holiday-and-winter-schedule.cfm

For all other information about residential collection services: refuse, yard waste and bulk items, paying service fees, reporting collection issues or illegal dumping, and more, please see the refuse division website here: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/government/departments/street/refuse/resident-collection/index.cfm


  1. pdf Bulk Trash Pick-up Map (459.96 KB)

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