City Opens Clay School Homeless Prevention Hub
One of Four Opened at Community School Sites
This article is 15 years old. It was published on November 25, 2009.
St. Louis – Mayor Francis G. Slay will be joined by Congressman William Lacy Clay; Superintendent Kelvin Adams; Roderick Jones, President & CEO of Grace Hill Settlement House; and Bill Siedhoff, Director of the City’s Department of Human Services in a ribbon cutting ceremony at Clay Elementary School to mark the opening of the fourth “Hope Is Moving In” homeless prevention hub. This prevention hub is the fourth established in the City in less than a month. This has been made possible through funding provided by HUD’s Homelessness Prevention & Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) resulting from the passage of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA).
The City of St. Louis received three year stimulus funding of $8.4 million to develop additional programs to prevent homelessness and to assist homeless people in securing housing. Services will include financial assistance through rental/utility deposits and payments, moving costs, relocation and stabilization help through case management, housing placement, legal services and credit repair. For more information on St. Louis’ ten year plan to end chronic homelessness, please visit
Office of the Mayor