City Offices Closed Feb 11

City offices closed Friday, February 11th and Monday, February 21. See article for changes to solid waste collection schedule.

February 10, 2011 | 2 min reading time

This article is 13 years old. It was published on February 10, 2011.

City offices, City Courts, and the Municipal Garage will be closed as a City-wide holiday on Friday, February 11th and will be closed as a furlough day on Monday, February 21. In addition to five scheduled, City-wide unpaid furlough days, management and professional employees are expected to take an additional five unpaid furlough days. (City furloughs do not apply to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department or the Fire Department.)

Employees who are scheduled to work 24-hour operations, on Family Medical Leave, or who otherwise cannot be furloughed on the designated days will schedule the furlough at an alternate time before the end of the fiscal year.

As a result of the furlough plan, the City is saving $3 million and will be able to retain 53 jobs. The City is making cuts in large part because of rising pension costs and the poor national economy.

The City’s solid waste collection schedule will be modified to accommodate the closures:

Changes to accommodate holiday on Friday, February 11:
•    If residents’ normal collection days are Monday and Thursday, solid waste collection will change to Monday and Wednesday.
•     If residents’ normal collection days are Tuesday and Friday, solid waste collection will be changed to Tuesday and Thursday.

Changes to accommodate furlough day on Monday, February 21:
•    If residents’ normal collection days are Monday and Thursday, solid waste collection will change to Tuesday and Thursday this week.
•     If residents’ normal collection days are Tuesday and Friday, solid waste collection will be changed to Wednesday and Friday.


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