Environmental Health

Environmental Health protects people from environmental hazards and disease through effective and efficient prevention and treatment efforts.

Email (314) 657-1539 More contact info



Air Pollution Control
Air Pollution Control provides permitting approval for asbestos abatement, demolition, and occupancy. Inspectors also provide site monitoring and enforcement required by the City ordinance.

Animal Care and Control
Ensuring the health and safety of City of St. Louis residents and companion animals through the enforcement of pet-related ordinances, and the promotion of pet safety and responsible pet ownership.

Community Sanitation
Community Sanitation responds to complaints and enforces local and state regulations for health hazards

Food and Beverage Control Program
Food and Beverage Control inspects and permits restaurants, taverns, and other establishments serving food, including food booths at fairs and festivals, to ensure food safety.

Vector Control
Vector Control works to decrease potential disease vectors, including mosquitoes and rats, both of which spread disease and are a nuisance. The program also responds to reports of other potential disease vectors.

Contact Information

Email: health@stlouis-mo.gov

Phone: (314) 657-1539
Fax: (314) 612-5367

1520 Market , Suite 4051
St. Louis, Missouri 63103

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