Fire Pension Statement

Statement from Comptroller Darlene Green
Regarding the Firemen’s Pension Plan

April 2, 2012 | 2 min reading time

This article is 12 years old. It was published on April 2, 2012.

March 23, 2012

Statement from Comptroller Darlene Green
Regarding the Firemen’s Pension Plan

While both plans have merit, it is my hope that there can be a compromise. If a compromise cannot be reached, it is my position that we should move forward with what all sides currently agree on.

Currently all sides agree that the disability benefit should be overhauled. If we can legally move on that part of the plan and realize some savings, we should budget that now. Additionally, if Entry Age Normal (EAN) is passed by the State I believe we have another point of agreement.

The legality of certain aspects of the proposed plans is questionable at this time. However, I do not believe we can afford to stop negotiations in favor of a court battle. We should continue to work together in earnest to find common ground for further cost savings.

In the end we must net a plan that protects both the taxpayers and retirees.


(View St. Louis Post Dispatch Article from March 26th, 2012

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