Planning Documents

Current 5 Year Consolidated Plan and related HUD reports

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) set an overall goal to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing, creating a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities. In order to achieve this objective, HUD assists the City through several key programs:

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
  • HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME)
  • Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)
  • Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG)
  • Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)

As part of the guidelines governing the above programs, the City must prepare a number of documents. Together, these documents provide both a strategy for carrying out HUD federal programs and a means to assess the progress made annually. 

Consolidated Plan

Every five years, the City develops a detailed report that looks at trends, issues, and recommendations in the areas of housing, economic development, infrastructure, public services and more. It also outlines both a short- and long-term strategy for addressing the needs of the community.

Annual Action Plan

Every fall, the City prepares an application that outlines specific programs to be supporting in the upcoming year and the amount of funding necessary to achieve results. 

Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report

This report documents the many activities, initiatives, and services that were made possible by the federal funding programs listed above. It also serves as an overview of development activity and municipal services that collectively help to implement the City's Consolidated Plan.

The City of St. Louis welcomes all comments and suggestions. Click here for the Community Development Administration's contact information.

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