Want to get away from it all this Memorial Day weekend?

Visit the Fourth Ranked Great Memorial Day Weekend Getaway City on less than a tank of gas. 

May 25, 2012 | 2 min reading time

This article is 12 years old. It was published on May 25, 2012.

There are lots of things to do and enjoy this extended Memorial Day weekend, as we memorialize those who gave their lives to preserve our freedoms.  This year, however, our own hometown has finally made a list for which we can be proud:



CNN Ranks Seven Great Memorial Day Getaways; St. Louis Is Number 4 On the List.  See:


We're in awfully good company with the likes of Palm Springs, Washington, D.C., Las Vegas, Portsmouth, NH, Austin, TX and Charleston, SC.  They note the Blues Festival at Soldiers Memorial, Schlafly Tap Room Pork Shop, and Gypsy Caravan.  

In the City of St. Louis we boast --

St. Louis Bluesweek Festival
Soldier's Memorial will host a new event this Memorial Day weekend. The Bluesweek Festival offers three days of blues music, food and cold beer. Admission to the festival is free. Soldier's Memorial is located at Market and Tucker Streets in Downtown St. Louis.

In 2012: May 25-27

Shakespeare in the Park
Shakespeare Festival St. Louis begins its free performances in Forest Park on Memorial Day weekend. This year's play is Othello. The play begins at 8 p.m. with pre-show activities at 6:30 p.m.

In 2012: May 25-June 17

Pork Shop: Downtown BBQ and Garage Sale
The Schlafly Tap Room is hosting a unique event the Saturday before Memorial Day. Pork Shop is a garage sale and pig roast all in one. Come find some bargains, then stay for a nice meal and cold brew. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

In 2012: May 26

Wow, pretty good for a hometown getaway.  For more regional activities, see: http://stlouis.about.com/od/topattractions/tp/memorial_day_events.htm
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