Board Bill Number 217 In Session 2017-2018

Ordinance pertaining to the Zoning Code


BOARD BILL NO.217 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JACK COATAR, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission pertaining to the Zoning Code, Title 26; requiring that certain uses that are regulated by a plat and petition process under the License Code and Building Code be made a conditional use, prohibited use, or use by right under the Zoning Code; repealing a part of Section One of Ordinance 60483, codified as Section 26.36.020 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis ("Revised Code"), pertaining to Use Regulations in the E Multiple-Family Dwelling District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing a part of Section Five of Ordinance 62588, codified as Section 26.40.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses in the F Neighborhood Commercial District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Six and Section Seven of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.52.020 and 26.52.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Use Regulations and Conditional Uses of the I Central Business District and enacting, in lieu thereof, two new sections on the same subject matters; repealing a part of Section Fifteen of Ordinance 59979, codified as Section 26.56.020 of the Revised Code, pertaining to the J Industrial District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Eight of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.56.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the J Industrial District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing a part of Section Sixteen of Ordinance 59979, codified as Section 26.60.020 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Use Regulations of the K Unrestricted District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Nine of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.60.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the K Unrestricted District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; and adding a new Section to the Zoning Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the L Jefferson Memorial District, to be codified as Section 26.64.025 of the Revised Code; and containing a severability and an effective date clause.



Session: 2017-2018

Primary Sponsors: Jack Coatar

Committee: Housing, Urban Development and Zoning


Christine Ingrassia

Legislative History

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  • 12/15/2017

    First Reading

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