Board Bill Number 130 In Session 2017-2018

Ordinance pertaining to Scottrade Center


BOARD BILL NO. 130 SPONSORED BY ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER An ordinance pertaining to the levying of certain fees as described herein upon tickets sold for events at City-owned facilities, including the Scottrade Center, the Peabody Opera House, and any new City-owned professional soccer stadium and other City-owned buildings used for sports and entertainment purposes to fund certain construction, reconstruction and improvements as described herein and authorizing and directing the establishment of The Sports and Entertainment Facilities Support Fund by the Comptroller or other appropriate City Officer, providing public funding for such activities and repealing Ordinance 70473.



Session: 2017-2018

Primary Sponsors: Cara Spencer

Committee: Ways and Means

Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 09/29/2017

    First Reading

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